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Rowing Machines - Special offer, Sale

Are you looking for an effective fitness trainer that will help you focus both on the upper and lower half of your body? Then the ideal choice is a rowing machine,...

Are you looking for an effective fitness trainer that will help you focus both on the upper and lower half of your body? Then the ideal choice is a rowing machine, that allows you to simulate rowing movements. With one movement, you exercise both the upper and lower half of your body, especially your back muscles. By regularly training with a rowing machine, you’ll tone your muscles and gain a lithe, athletic body.

There are currently several types of rowing machines, differing mainly in braking systems, rail length, resistance control or functions. Pick out your rowing machine directly from the manufacturer and with prolonged warranty.

Rowing machines for home, hotel, club and professional use are divided into several groups, mainly according to the type of their braking system:

See more information on the various braking systems, as well as optimum rail length, display, programs or functions in our guide.

Rowing Machines - Special offer, Sale

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