5 tips for easy selection of barbell bars
If you want to strengthen the upper half of the body, you can't go wrong with a two-handed barbell! Its biggest advantage is, of course, that you can assemble it...
13. 11. 2020
Compared products
Even though are dumbbells at first glance a simple fitness equipment, it will often surprise you with its versatility! The number of muscle groups that you can train with them is also admirable. But for the right training it is necessary to find the right dumbbell.
According to their type, we divide dumbbells into two categories – adjustable dumbbells and fixed dumbbells with fixed weight. If you have little space at home, adjustable dumbbells are more economical, on which you can change the load with the help of discs. After all, a complete set of classic dumbbells needs some space - if not a professional fitness, then at least a decent home gym.
When choosing the right weight of a dumbbell, you must first clarify for what purpose you are actually exercising. Heavier dumbbells are good for building muscle mass, while lighter muscles strengthen and stabilize joints and tendons. In general, a larger muscle area can withstand a greater load. So if you want to focus on your arms and shoulders, use smaller and medium dumbbells and keep the larger ones to strengthen your back, chest and legs.
Of course, beginners should start with lighter dumbbells and gradually work their way to higher loads. Be careful - overwork puts strain on your muscles and can lead to injury.
Dumbbells can vary in both the composition of the filling and the material of the surface treatment. Cement, steel and durable metal alloys are usually used as fillers. The surface can be more diverse – chrome, rubber, plastic nebo třeba vinyl.
Rubber dumbbells absorb shocks when they hit the ground and are thus popular mainly in the home environment. At the same time, they last a long time and can withstand rough handling, which also applies to dumbbells with a steel filling. At the other end of the spectrum, we have cement dumbbells that are cost-effective, but need to be treated more gently. It is also good to remember that as the weight of the cement barbell increases, so does its volume.
Once you decide to buy the whole dumbbell set, you will definitely want the dumbbells to have similar properties and, of course, the same design. The division into categories according to the material and properties of individual model series will help you to choose:
Two-handed dumbbells are an important part of professional and home exercising! You will work effectively with them especially on the upper half of the body, specifically the biceps, triceps, shoulders and pectoral muscles. However, training is more demanding than with a one-handed dumbbell. If you are just starting with a two-handed, you should reach a weight of around 15-20 kg. In addition to the classic barbells, there are interesting modern variations.