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Bestsellers women's Inline Skates - Comparison

Rollerblades K2 VO2 S 90 BOA U 2022

Rollerblades K2 VO2 S 90 BOA U 2022

Rollerblades Powerslide Next Core Black 110 Trinity

Rollerblades Powerslide Next Core Black 110 Trinity Special offer

3-in-1 Adjustable Skates/Rollerblades/Roller Skates WORKER Juando

3-in-1 Adjustable Skates/Rollerblades/Roller Skates WORKER Juando

Rollerblades Powerslide Phuzion Radon Black 80 Trinity

Rollerblades Powerslide Phuzion Radon Black 80 Trinity Special offer

2-in-1 Skates/Rollerblades inSPORTline Mintero

2-in-1 Skates/Rollerblades inSPORTline Mintero

Price 356 € Product detail

183,60 € Product detail

107,60 € Product detail

111,60 € Product detail

67,10 € Product detail

Wheel size 90 mm 110 mm 72 mm 80 mm 76 mm , 72 mm , 64 mm
Size 44 , 42 , 43,5 , 44,5 , 45 , 46 , 42,5 40/41 , 44/45 , 38/39 , 42/43 , 46/47 , 36/37 S(33-36) , M(37-40) 43 , 44 , 46 , 39 , 40 , 38 , 41 , 45 , 42 S(33-36) , M(37-40) , L (40-43) , XS(29-32)
Frame Aluminium Aluminium Plastic Aluminium Plastic
Blade stainless steel without toe picks stainless steel without toe picks
Bearings ILQ 9 Classic Plus ABEC 9 ABEC 5 ABEC 7 ABEC 5
Weight limit (kg) 100 kg 100 kg 60 kg 100 kg 100 kg
Wheel material PU PU PU PU PU
Wheel hardness 83 A 88 A 82 A 83 A 82 A
Fastening K2 BOA Fastening System Combined Combined Combined Combined
Special features A loop to make putting them on easier A loop to make putting them on easier , Dual Size Two-row wheel placement , Changeable wheel order , Adjustable size , A loop to make putting them on easier A loop to make putting them on easier Adjustable size , A loop to make putting them on easier
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