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Compared products

Bestsellers verticon - Comparison

Handles for Verticon inSPORTline Pro 1000 and 1000 SE

Handles for Verticon inSPORTline Pro 1000 and 1000 SE Special offer

Extended Handles for Verticon inSPORTline Pro 1000 and 1000 SE

Extended Handles for Verticon inSPORTline Pro 1000 and 1000 SE Special offer

Reverse Handles for Verticon inSPORTline Pro 1000 and 1000 SE

Reverse Handles for Verticon inSPORTline Pro 1000 and 1000 SE Special offer

Verticon inSPORTline Pro 500

Verticon inSPORTline Pro 500

Verticon inSPORTline Pro 1000 SE

Verticon inSPORTline Pro 1000 SE

Price 233,60 € Product detail

170,60 € Product detail

179,60 € Product detail

2 069,60 € Product detail

3 914,60 € Product detail

Weight limit (kg) 159 kg 160 kg
Braking system Magnetic Belt
Resistance adjustment yes yes
Height 224 cm 225.50 cm
Length 89 cm 108.70 cm
Width 81 cm 100 cm
Weight 47 kg 91.50 kg
Transport wheels yes yes
Compensating for uneven floor yes yes
Movement type classic
Multimediální funkce bezdrátové propojení s fitness aplikacemi
Technology Fitscope
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