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Cheapest power Racks - Comparison

Suspension Cable Pulley System inSPORTline Puley 100

Suspension Cable Pulley System inSPORTline Puley 100

Wall-Mounted Pull-Up Bar w/ Pulleys inSPORTline RK180

Wall-Mounted Pull-Up Bar w/ Pulleys inSPORTline RK180

Suspension Cable Pulley System inSPORTline Puley 500

Suspension Cable Pulley System inSPORTline Puley 500

Two-Piece Barbell Rack inSPORTline PW10

Two-Piece Barbell Rack inSPORTline PW10

Power Rack inSPORTline PW50

Power Rack inSPORTline PW50 Special offer

Price 40,50 € Product detail

103,10 € Product detail

107,60 € Product detail

121,10 € Product detail

193,10 € Product detail

Material Steel Steel
Weight limit (kg) 150 kg 100 kg 136 kg
Number of pins 7
Pull-up bar type Multi-purpose , Affixed with screws
Length 101.50 cm
Width 70 cm
Height 22 cm
Weight 10 kg
Rubber resistance bands yes
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