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Compared products

Bestsellers knee and Elbow Protectors - Comparison

Reinforced Knee Support Thuasne

Reinforced Knee Support Thuasne

Magnetic Bamboo Elbow Brace inSPORTline

Magnetic Bamboo Elbow Brace inSPORTline

Children’s Elbow Guards FOX Peewee Titan MX23 Black/Silver M/L

Children’s Elbow Guards FOX Peewee Titan MX23 Black/Silver M/L

Multi-Purpose Knee Support Thuasne

Multi-Purpose Knee Support Thuasne

Elbow Guards FOX Titan Pro D3O

Elbow Guards FOX Titan Pro D3O

Price 42,80 € Product detail

31,50 € Product detail

28 € Product detail

18,40 € Product detail

112 € Product detail

Placement Knee Elbow Knee
Size L , XL , XXL M , L , S , XL M , S , L , XL , XXL L/XL , S/M
Material Plastic D3O , Polypropylene
Colour Black
Material Neoprene Bamboo-carbon fibre Neoprene
Permeability yes yes
Number of magnets 0 4 0
Fastening Velcro Velcro
Germanium components no no no
Reflective features no no
Fastening Slide-on Velcro Slide-on
Ventilation yes yes yes
Braces yes no no
Electric heating no no no
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