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Compared products

Bestsellers knee and Elbow Protectors - Comparison

Reinforced Knee Support Thuasne

Reinforced Knee Support Thuasne

Magnetic Bamboo Elbow Brace inSPORTline

Magnetic Bamboo Elbow Brace inSPORTline

Elbow Guards FOX Titan Pro D3O

Elbow Guards FOX Titan Pro D3O

Magnetic Bamboo Knee Brace inSPORTline

Magnetic Bamboo Knee Brace inSPORTline

Slip-On Knee Guards FOX Enduro

Slip-On Knee Guards FOX Enduro

Price 42,80 € Product detail

31,50 € Product detail

112 € Product detail

45 € Product detail

100 € Product detail

Placement Knee Elbow Knee
Size L , XL , XXL M , L , S , XL L/XL , S/M M , L , S , XL M , L , XL , XXL , S
Colour Black Black
Material D3O , Polypropylene
Material Neoprene Bamboo-carbon fibre Bamboo-carbon fibre
Permeability yes
Number of magnets 0 4 3
Fastening Velcro
Germanium components no no yes
Reflective features no
Fastening Slide-on Velcro Velcro
Ventilation yes yes yes
Braces yes no no
Electric heating no no no
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