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Compared products

Cheapest children's and Junior Bikes - Comparison

Children's Protector Set Kawasaki Purotek

Children's Protector Set Kawasaki Purotek

Protectors WORKER Greeny Set

Protectors WORKER Greeny Set

Protectors WORKER Rozy

Protectors WORKER Rozy

Elbow and Knee Protectors Frozen II

Elbow and Knee Protectors Frozen II

Elbow & Knee Protectors Spiderman

Elbow & Knee Protectors Spiderman

Price 17,10 € Product detail

17,10 € Product detail

18 € Product detail

19,60 € Product detail

19,60 € Product detail

Number of protectors 4 pcs 6 pcs 6 pcs 4 pcs 4 pcs
Size S , M , L XS , S , M S (do 120 cm) , M (from 120 to 160 cm)
Colour Green
Ventilation no yes yes no no
Fastening Velcro Velcro Velcro Velcro Velcro
Overcover no no no no no
Case yes no no no no
Helmet included no no no no no
Suitable for children yes yes yes yes yes
For adults yes no yes no no
Use Knee, elbow Knee, elbow, wrist Knee, elbow, wrist Knee, elbow Knee, elbow
Weight (g) 223 g
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