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Bestsellers bicycle Racks - Comparison

Towbar Bike Rack HAKR Trip 3 Middle

Towbar Bike Rack HAKR Trip 3 Middle

Towbar Bike Rack HAKR Trip 2 Middle Elektro

Towbar Bike Rack HAKR Trip 2 Middle Elektro

Roof Bike Rack HAKR Fork

Roof Bike Rack HAKR Fork

Roof Bike Rack HAKR Speed Alu

Roof Bike Rack HAKR Speed Alu

Roof Bike Rack HAKR Speed Alu Black

Roof Bike Rack HAKR Speed Alu Black

Price 340 € Product detail

320 € Product detail

62,40 € Product detail

63,60 € Product detail

76 € Product detail

Assembly Attached to the tow bar Attached to the tow bar Attached to the roof of the vehicle Attached to the roof of the vehicle Attached to the roof of the vehicle
Maximum number of bikes 3 2 1 1 1
Bike frame diameter 0-70 mm 0-70 mm 0-70 mm 0-70 mm
Weight 15.60 kg 14 kg 2.40 kg 3.60 kg 3.60 kg
Weight limit (kg) 60 kg 50 kg 15 kg 17 kg 17 kg
Connector 13 poles 13 poles
Dimensions 600 x 1200 x 200
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