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Compared products

Bestsellers arm Strength Trainers - Comparison

Multi-Press Rack Body-Solid GPR370

Multi-Press Rack Body-Solid GPR370

Lat Pulldown Machine inSPORTline LP05

Lat Pulldown Machine inSPORTline LP05 Special offer

GPCB329 Body-Solid Preacher Curl Bench

GPCB329 Body-Solid Preacher Curl Bench

Bicep Curl Bench inSPORTline LKC301

Bicep Curl Bench inSPORTline LKC301

Suspension Cable Pulley System inSPORTline Puley 500

Suspension Cable Pulley System inSPORTline Puley 500

Price 569,60 € Product detail

395,10 € Product detail

269 € Product detail

233,60 € Product detail

107,60 € Product detail

Material Steel
Weight limit (kg) 450 kg 150 kg 250 kg
Maximum user height not limited not limited
Number of pins 14
Weight 50 kg
Weights type Plates
Maximum load 75 kg
Bench press no
Leg extensions no
Leg Curls no
Butterfly with back support no
Butterfly with chest support no
Upper pulley yes
Pick-up roller (upper) yes
Pick-up sitting with chest support no
Seated chest presses no
Triceps press no
Biceps pulley - free yes
Biceps pulley - with support no
Triceps pulley yes
Chin-ups no
Rack no
Leg raises no
Arm raises (shoulders) no
Adduction and abduction (thighs) no
Cable exercises (abdomen) no
Stepper no
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