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Lat Pulldown Machine inSPORTline LP05 SPECIAL OFFER

Stable structure, lower and upper pulley, 2 weight plate storage pegs (30mm), soft padding, anti-slip handles, nylon pulleys, steel cables. more

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395,10 €

431,60 € incl. VAT


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The Lat Pulldown Machine inSPORTline LP05 is an exercise station that helps you strengthen your upper body, particularly you back muscles, biceps and triceps. The sturdy steel frame with a 70 x 50mm profile is extremely stable and allows for a high weight limit. The foam rollers and soft seat allow for a comfortable workout. The anti-slip (rubber) handles ensure a perfect grip. 

The Lat Pulldown Machine inSPORTline LP05 allows you to perform exercises for strengthening the back muscles, pectoral muscles, biceps and triceps. The lower pulley allows you to do the so-called rowing, which helps you strengthen your upper body. The upper pulley features two weight plate storage pegs (suitable for weight plates 30mm in diameter) on which you can put weight plates with a total weight of up to 75kg. You may also appreciate the durable nylon pulleys and steel cables which ensure smooth and quiet running. All of the above makes the Lat Pulldown Machine inSPORTline LP05 a popular and sought-after product suitable for home use. 

Technical description:

  • High-quality exercise machine for strengthening upper body
  • Allows users to perform variety of exercises in different positions
  • Steel structure with 70 x 50mm frame profile
  • Durable surface finish
  • Soft seat
  • Foam rollers
  • Anti-slip handles
  • Flexible steel cables
  • 2 weight plate storage pegs (30mm) – including clamps
  • High stability
  • Nylon pulleys
  • 4 roller positions
  • Peg length: 22 cm
  • Pulley diameter: 90mm
  • Padding height: 40mm
  • Dimensions: length 166cm x width 130cm x height 212cm
  • User weight limit: 150kg
  • Plate weight limit: 75kg
  • Weight: 50kg
  • Seat height from the ground: 44 cm
  • Power transfer ratio: 1:1
  • Suitable for home use
  • Weight plates not included


Product parameters

Weight limit (kg) 150 kg
Weight 50 kg
Maximum user height not limited
Weights type Plates
Maximum load 75 kg
Bench press no
Leg extensions no
Leg Curls no
Butterfly with back support no
Butterfly with chest support no
Upper pulley yes
Pick-up roller (upper) yes
Pick-up sitting with chest support no
Seated chest presses no
Triceps press no
Biceps pulley - free yes
Biceps pulley - with support no
Triceps pulley yes
Chin-ups no
Rack no
Leg raises no
Arm raises (shoulders) no
Adduction and abduction (thighs) no
Cable exercises (abdomen) no
Stepper no


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